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About Us

The future of work is finally here. This is how we've prepared for it.

Our Story

Future of SEL is a grassroots company that uniquely serves as its own proof-of-concept.

Founder and CEO Future Cain brought her vision to life by doing what she does best: connecting with and caring for the well-being of other people.

The company emerged through the reciprocal encouragement, collaboration, and dedication of a highly diverse team of volunteers who shared its vision for the future.


We saw Future of SEL as a yet-untapped opportunity to address an area of Workforce Development that companies have neglected for far too long and the consequences are catching up. 


All of us had previously endured the draining experience of working for employers who've failed to invest in Social and Emotional Leadership as a critical part of Workforce Development.


So we built this company - because we need it and we know you do, too. 

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Our Founder & CEO

Future Cain is the Founder and CEO of Future of SEL. Her vision serves as the North Star of our company's purpose and mission. Like Polaris, Future's company is a reliable compass for travelers when navigating Social and Emotional Leadership and Workplace and Employee Wellness.  


Future recently served as the Statewide Project Coordinator for Social and Emotional Learning and Mental Health in the state of Wisconsin where she lead statewide coaches who supported organizations to build internal systems. With over two decades of background in education and leadership, her career expands across several industries including the private behavioral sector, early childhood education, public, education, higher education, and business. First and foremost, she is a coach and that is how and why she has been able to call many people to action in the last few years.


Future has been featured in Forbes and in New York Times for her work in leadership, wellness, and equity in America. She is an international speaker who also is a published writer with pieces written on the importance of social and emotional learning in education, wellness, leadership, and equity.


She is a mom to two beautiful children, one girl and one boy. They are the best of friends and the worst of enemies! Her life is peacefully chaotic and she would not change it for the world. Future loves to practice yoga, meditate, run, dance, read, listen to music, be one with nature, write, and take action to move humanity forward.


Along her leadership, wellness, equity and anti-racism journey, Future has learned so much about herself, and as challenging and as painful as it was, her journey began within.  She often asks herself and others to sit with themselves because Future knows that all of our answers lie within. 


According to Future, one's own self-awareness is exactly where this leadership, wellness, and equity work should begin. She also is often heard reminding leaders to "fill their bucket up with joy"™ because without it is difficult to embody limitless love for others.


Our Team

If our team were insects, we'd be nature's sweetest bunch of bees. We embrace the art of hive-mindedness as we work both individually and collaboratively to achieve the greater goals of our collective.

Our "colony" of contributors comes from around the globe and reflects a harmonic blend of ethnicity, neurodiversity, gender, age, perspective, personality, skills, experiences - you name it.


It isn't in our differences alone that lead to awesome teamwork and outstanding outcomes. It's the mutual respect we afford one another and the awareness we have of our personal "blind spots" that keep us receptive to change and innovation.


By upholding progressive values, like diversity, equity, and inclusion, we exemplify the type of workforce we aim to help our customers create.


The future of work is here. It's imperative that companies invest in programs that ensure remote employees can work effectively as both asynchronous contributors and as a synchronized team.


Your business and your employees' health depend on it. 

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